Fintech Automation Blog

Creating a JotForm - Part 1 blog forms jotform web-based apps May 12, 2021

by Mark Anthony Figueroa



In the previous post we covered form building applications with a focus on our favorite, JotForm. This post, and the following three, will dive into setting up and using JotForm. If you are joining us for the first time, we covered processes and...
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Form Builders blog forms jotform software review web-based apps Apr 28, 2021

by Mark Anthony Figueroa



Form builders can be extremely useful for data-gathering. Whether you use Google Forms, Microsoft Forms, an internal website form, Precise FP, JotForm, or some other tool, the process of building a form is similar across each form-building application....

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The Well-Rested Perk blog work-life balance Apr 14, 2021

by Mark Anthony Figueroa



In our previous post, we talked about schedulers. We mentioned why they are useful. We linked scheduler application types. We also went through setting up Calendly (at a very high level). In this post we are going to talk about the best efficiency...

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Scheduler Applications blog calendly google scheduling software review web-based apps Apr 01, 2021

by Mark Anthony Figueroa



In our previous posts, we discussed processes, workflows, process and task manager applications, and shamelessly plugged Process Street. We also took a stroll through the tulips and discussed work life balance. During this post, we will briefly cover...
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Balancing Work & Life blog work-life balance Mar 25, 2021

by Mark Anthony Figueroa



"Perfectly balanced. As all things should be." - Thanos
In our previous posts, we discussed processes, workflows, process and task manager applications, and shamelessly plugged Process Street. During this post, we will cover some sanity tips....
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Process Management Tools and Applications process process street software review web-based apps workflows Mar 18, 2021

by Mark Anthony Figueroa



In our previous post, we donned our artist hats and sketched out our workflows. What’s next?

Now, we find where our workflows will live. While it’s entirely fine to have a checklist on a clipboard next to your desk or on a wall in your...

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Process Management and Workflows 101 blog guest post process workflows Mar 11, 2021

By: Brooklyn H. Brock, CFP®, CEPA®, ChFC®, CKA® of Ellevate Advisors, LLC



In our previous post, we provided a very high level overview of processes and workflows, while touching on how they fit into the automation process. In this post, Brooklyn H. Brock,...

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Processes and Workflows blog process workflows Mar 05, 2021

by Mark Anthony Figueroa



Welcome to the Sphynx automation blog post series. As mentioned in our first post, we will cover small business automation tools, tips and tricks using simple web-based applications. Whether you’ve heard of automation before or have just...

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Sphynx Blog - Introduction blog general automation Feb 25, 2021


Having the right tools at our disposal can make our lives much simpler. History provides us with years of evidence: pockets, satchels and bags were the beginning of hands-free material transport; the printing press was a revolution in automating the...

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